Shock Roach Unlike other weapons, must be picked up off the ground using E and must be dropped before switching to another weapon.M-40A1 Sniper Rifle (increased damage, decreased accuracy without scope).This only works if the player has at least 10 snarks.

For donators, secondary fire releases a Chumtoad that hinders enemy ranged attacks and also poisons NPCs.Satchel Charge (can be picked up or kicked).Grenade (secondary fire drops all grenades in one projectile, making "banana bomb") This only works if the player has at least 10 grenades.Tau Cannon (with less secondary fire recoil).Shotgun (secondary fire makes the shotgun shoot automatically, but with less accuracy).Pipe Wrench (with ability to repair or revive friendly Sentry Guns).Donators have secondary fire that makes crowbar do more damage to hostiles and crates, but drains suit power.