mount and blade xp :: Mount & Blade: Warband ….

Building a Farm (farming) | Nova Aetas Warband ….

Mount & Blade: Warband - Creating a Faction ….For the renown part, it can be useful to join a faction, because the king will only accept you, if he likes you, invites you, or you have alot of renown. Renown ( and honor ) - both of these factors play a big role, and how the npc's see you, if you have high renown but bad honor, you'll have alot of lords that want to screw you and your lady Alfrun, so I recommend keeping your honor high sothat your lords will be loyal to you. The leadership skill also improves morale, you can also read a book ( life of wannabe Alexander the great or whatever I don't remember) to improve your leadership skill. Your leadership skill is extremely necessary to keep high, because you'll need a big army to survive the harsh lands of Calradia. Morale- this one can get tough if you are starting to get an big warband, but the best way I see maintaining morale is just by keeping your inventory stacked with different varieties of food ( and avoid food that can rot). village quests - if you improve your relation with a village, than each time you go there and recruit soldiers, they will be more in quantity, so it's easier to get a big army that way You also get more exp from battles and it's one of the best skills you can get combined with surgery. Troop levels- The skill called "trainer" excell at getting your troops from recruits, to fucking war machines in a matter of a nanosecond. It also help you to get lords in your court. R2r: if you join a faction, you can gain r2r by letting your faction fight wars, each time a war ends, I believe you will receive 3 r2r, you can also use your companions to get r2r, you can send them as emissaries to spread the word of your exploits, but you can only use it once per companion, a comfortable amount of r2r is round about 40-50, but you can start a kingdom with less.