World at war vendetta
World at war vendetta

world at war vendetta world at war vendetta

The Ugly Truth: I easily put this game in the top ten XBOX 360 games of all times. However, after a time the maps become old and subsequently the game becomes old. Everything else about the game is outstanding. Suggestions: The only suggestion I have is more maps. It sounds like dogs? Then you hear the enemy announce, "let the dogs tear the flesh from our enemies!" Panic has set in and before you know it you hear the sickening sounds of someone being eaten, you look down and God help you, it's you! That's what the sound does in this game, it makes you appreciate the war and puts you in the center of the action. Now you get down from your perch and start to run! As you try and find somewhere else to set up, you hear something off in the distance. You stand up and start looking around panicked because you have been found. Imagine if you will you're camping in a sniper spot and you first hear the sound of a bullet shooting past your head. Add in the 1080p resolution and you get the visual sense that you are at war so it would be best to take cover ASAP! The maps especially are filled with nooks and crannies and well defined areas wher one kind easily go and set up head poppin shop. Of course, it's not so great when the hounds after your The game is as nice to watch as COD4 and in a lot of repsects a bit more detailed. I don't think there is a better moment in all of FPS gaming.

world at war vendetta

The best part of multiplayer is releasing the hounds after seven kills in a row! It is hilariously to watch as your enemy either runs, are is mauled by the relentless German shepherds. The maps are excellent, the gameplay magnificient, and although the weapons are aged they function well and serve the purpose of killing your enemy efficiently. Yet the meat and potatoes of this game is in the multiplayer. The single player is packed with intensity with an excellent surprise at the end otf the game. Gameplay: If you've played COD4 then you've basically played this game. COD WaW instantly becomes a XBOX 360 must have. It is successful despite the overpopulated FPS genre and it furthers the concept that in order for a game to be great it should have a multiplayer component. The graphics, the sound, the multiplayer, and the single player campaign are all stellar. However, this take of WW11 may be the best ever! The game itself is a marvel as was COD4 in all aspects of game creating. Overall: Call of Duty World at War returns us to the WW11 setting that some may consider to be overdone.

World at war vendetta